Bill Smythe brings to the field of Somatic therapy and Body psychology a fresh vision and praxis. Over the past 30 years Bill’s knowledge and teaching has embodied a deep and Holistic understanding of Structure, Function, Energy, Emotion and Spirit. Bill is an exceptional teacher and a skilled practitioner. Filled with skill, grace and compassion, he shares his gifts generously, both with his clients and with the students he mentors. Bill is an original thinker, a unique mentor and a visionary leader in the emerging field of Somatics. I recommend Bill Smythe with full confidence and without reservation. Peter A. Levine, Ph.D. is the originator and developer of Somatic Experiencing® and the author of Waking the Tiger, Healing Trauma, and Healing Trauma: A Pioneer Program for Restoring the Wisdom of Your Body.

By | November 24, 2013